Climate justice in your neighborhood
We are fighting to make healthy homes and green jobs available to all, no exceptions. Join us.
People’s Climate and equity plan
In October of 2023, Unidos MN successfully built power with other organizations to pass the first $10 million in dedicated, climate equity funding in Minneapolis.
Now in 2024 Unidos and partner organizations will be launching a series of block by block clean energy home pilots in both Minneapolis and St Paul, powered by green union jobs. New federal money has made these pilots possible, but to make whole home upgrades available to all, without exception, there are gaps that our cities and states need to fill. Join us to learn how you can take part, together with others in your neighborhood.
We are asking for continued investment to address the climate and racial equity crises simultaneously, block by block. Our goals are:
Make every building in Minneapolis comfortable, affordable, and carbon-free by 2040
Build community wealth and reduce the racial wealth gap by creating equitable pathways into union jobs in the clean energy economy
Ensure every person has a safe, healthy, and climate-resilient neighborhood connected by accessible, carbon-free transportation
Full funding is necessary to make sure this work is done neighborhood by neighborhood rather than house by house, so that all of the benefits of the clean energy transition are fully accessible to low income communities of color. Join us
Equity and Climate
Minnesota is one of the most pervasively racially unequal places in the United States by almost every measure, including unemployment, educational outcomes, home ownership, incarceration, police encounters, and household income.
We believe everyone has a right to clean air, water and a safe, healthy community. To ensure those rights are protected, we build power to shape policy, hold politicians and polluters accountable, and influence elections.
We are working to ensure that Latinos and Minnesota working families have a strong voice in the movement for climate justice and within the environmental movement and influence the environmental policies and decisions that impact our health and environment.
Just Transition Fund Coalition
The Just Transition Fund Coalition is a multigenerational, multiracial coalition of local labor, immigrant rights, climate and environmental justice organizations working with Minneapolis city council members and the mayor on a climate plan grounded in an equitable transition to a clean energy economy.
Members of the Just Transition Fund Coalition include Unidos MN, ISAIAH, SEIU Local 26, Sierra Club North Star Chapter, Community Power, Cooperative Energy Futures, Rusty and the Crew, Awood Center, Black Visions, Environmental Justice Advocates of MN, Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, MN Interfaith Power and Light, MN Renewable Now, Minnesota Environmental Justice Table, Take Action MN and Minneapolis Federation of Teachers.